Building Information Modelling (BIM)

BIM is changing and shaping the world of architecture and design as we know it.

ATD use Revit software on every architectural project. Revit software allows us to build a virtual 3D model that can be explored and manipulated much further than any 2D drawings. 

Revit gives us a better understanding of how elements of projects work together. With BIM we can walk through the project’s spaces, see relationships between materials, plant and structure so we get the best possible effects, impact and usability upon completion.

What is BIM Level 2 ?

Level 0 — unmanaged computer aided design (CAD)

Level 1 — managed CAD in either 2D or 3D

Level 2 — managed collaborative working in 3D design using separate models

Level 3 — managed collaborative (Still in it's infancy) working in 3D design using one single model with the use of Blockchain sharing software 

PLEASE NOTE: BIM Level 2 (PAS 1192.2) will be superseded by BS-EN-ISO-19650-1 in first quarter of 2019.

For further information, please visit this page - ISO 19650.2

ATD’s Definition of BIM 


Summary of definition in normal speak

Building Regulation Drawings

ATD specialise in building regulation drawings for existing and new build properties. 

With fully Compliant Construction Drawings from our professional team, we can provide you with full detailed drawings for any future developments at a competitive price.

Office Revit Templates

We understand most offices have a specification handbook / manual that beholds all the construction details, products, sequence of works, etc. that you provide your design team with. 

One of the many benefits of setting up a comprehensive Revit office template is that all appropriate details and products you usually use can be pre-loaded and ready to use on all future jobs. 

This not only helps all designers be efficient but it also helps maintain consistency throughout the BIM process within your company.

For BIM Resources Please Click HERE

Revit 3D Rendering

Utilising Revits 3D visualisation, ATD can provide the most time and cost effective solutions for architects, planners, property developers and estate agents to market and communicate their projects. 

From 2D architectural plans or 3D data we can create stunning visuals of your project often before a single brick has been laid. 

ATD understands your aims and objectives so we can adopt the most effective strategy to deliver the results that will exceed your expectations.

PAS 1192 . 2 - Overview

The purpose of the PAS is to support the objective to achieve BIM maturity Level 2 by specifying requirements for this level, setting set out the framework for collaborative working on BIM enabled projects and providing specific guidance for the information management requirements associated with projects delivered using BIM.

The requirements within the PAS build on the existing code of practice for the collaborative production of architectural, engineering and construction information, defined within BS 1192:2007. 

The PAS describes the shared use of individually authored models in a Common Data Environment (CDE), being a single source of information for any given project, used to collect, manage and disseminate all relevant approved project documents for multi-disciplinary teams.

PAS 1192 . 2 explained graphically below

PAS 1192.2

PLEASE NOTE: BIM Level 2 will be superseded by BS-EN-ISO-19650-1 / 2 in first quarter of 2019.

ISO 19650.2 explained graphically below

Revit Family Content Creation

ATD has a variety of solutions which cater to all manufacturing clients.

Not only can we take you through the process efficiently and reliably, we can also help with hosting and distributions of your content. 

Level Of Detail (LOD)

The LOD of a Building Information Model increases as the project proceeds, often based in the first instance on existing information. It then develops from a simple design intent model through to a detailed virtual construction model.

Different aspects of the model may develop at different rates and may originate with different members of the project team, and their development may pass from the employer to consultants, to the contractor and suppliers, and ultimately back to the employer.

It is important therefore that your client defines the LOD that is required at each stage of development of the project. This not only ensures that the design is developing in sufficient detail, but also that the information required by your client informs decisions about the project development and then to operate the completed project efficiently.

The LOD also gives an indication of the reliance that can be placed on the information. Your client's duty is to define the LOD that is required in the EIR.

LOD explained graphically below

Level Of Detail